6 Bliss #1 by Hans Jørgen Bendixen

06 Bliss #1 web.jpg
06 Bliss #1 framed web.jpg
06 Bliss #1 web.jpg
06 Bliss #1 framed web.jpg

6 Bliss #1 by Hans Jørgen Bendixen

from £108.00

Album title (track 6): An Empty Bliss Beyond This World

Three photos were used for this particular montage.

The first photo illustrates the paths to a specific location that always filled me with a feeling of peace and quiet. It conjures up many happy moments with and fond memories of people I once loved but now are gone.

Another photo represents the types of landscape that I associate with physical and mental warmth and with all kinds of lovely scents, lingering in the thick, warm, and salt-saturated air.

The last photo is of the ubiquitous sea.

In its abstraction, the montage contains elements of landscapes that represent semi-dissolved glimpses of these happy moments

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