avril christensen

I’ve always loved taking a photograph ever since I went on a school trip when I was 15 – Everywhere I went I was “snap happy”. This experience inspired me to travel and record my adventures in images.

Photography became my mindfulness 5 years ago when my life hit an all time low. Life was difficult, however, going out with my camera, lying on the earth, smelling the ground hearing bird song, the sound of the wind, and seeing amazing scenes through the lens of my camera completely soothed my senses, I was in another world.

It was only then, 5 years ago that I picked up a ‘proper’ camera and this has opened up a new world of discovery for me. During this time I’ve been inspired by the amazingly creative images I’ve encountered by some superb digital artists. An enormous amount of time and skill goes into making their images into the works of art you see today.

I work with the Royal Photographic Society too, to educate its members and the general public about photography, running events in the South East on their behalf. My aim is to showcase the evolving Art Of Photography It is “Painting with light” – A New Vogue of Art. My aim is that you can enjoy a piece of beautiful, diverse and collectable Artwork in the space in which you spend time. The work you buy may be tomorrows Picasso.

– Let Photographic Art become your mindfulness too-

Images © Avril Christensen

See all of Avril’s work available to buy at After Art HERE